Nowadays, mental health is a commonly debated issue. Mental health talks may occur online, in conversation, on your favourite show, or in various other settings.
However, broad and frequent usage of any term can cause its meaning to become confused, if not completely misconstrued. So, if you hear the word "mental health" a lot but aren't sure what it means, you're not alone.
In a word, mental health refers to your psychological and social well-being. It also includes your emotional health or ability to identify, manage, and control your emotions. Many factors influence mental health, some of which are beyond your control, including genetics, life events, and family history.
Taking care of your mental health can improve your stress management, relationships, and decision-making abilities.
Increased mood and less anxiety
Clearer thinking.
Deeper relationships
Increased self-esteem and confidence
Nurturing your mental health can also help you manage bodily disorders that are exacerbated by stress, such as heart disease.
1. Get restful sleep
Sleep is not only essential for physical wellness. It has a substantial impact on mental health.
One 2021 study Trusted Source collected data from 273,695 adults in the United States. The researchers discovered that persons who got 6 hours or less of sleep per night were 2.5 times more likely to experience frequent mental anguish than those who got more than 6 hours of sleep.
Disrupted sleep can exacerbate mental health issues.
2. Cut back on social media
Continuously absorbing information about other people's lives may encourage someone to compare themselves and foster emotions of low self-worth, which promotes feelings of worry and sadness.
To spend less time on social media, try the following:
Store your phone in a drawer or outside your bedroom to avoid scrolling while sleeping. Consider replacing scrolling with more important activities.
Disable notifications or uninstall social apps from your phone.
3. Strengthen your relationships
Humans are social beings, and solid relationships can improve your mental health in a variety of ways.
Friendship, for instance, can:
There are numerous ways to reduce loneliness, gain emotional support, and add meaning to your life. You can cultivate positive relationships and friendships.
Stay in touch by checking in regularly, even if it is only a quick text or a hilarious meme.
Meet for a morning stroll or breakfast.
Call for a quick talk during your lunch break.
Plan biweekly or monthly dinner dates.
Making an effort to catch up when you spend time together can also help. According to 2018 research, catching up and joking around in person predicted closer ties independent of the number of hours individuals spent together.
4. Move your body on your terms
Exercise provides a variety of mental health advantages, including:
Benefits include Stress relief
Improved mood
Faster and longer sleep
Improved management of depression and anxiety symptoms.
Every person's concept of movement is unique, and going to the gym is not required unless you want to. Instead, make mobility joyful by choosing physical activities that are appropriate for your body, health, and interests.
To begin started, try a variety of physical activities and stick with the ones that you enjoy.
Enjoyable movement may include:
Join a running or walking group
Consider slower-paced restorative yoga classes
Sitting activities.
To stay active try a dance part
Hourly stretching breaks for backyard gardening
Weekend family hike or beach walk.
5. Savor nutrient-rich foods
Certain foods may also affect your mental health. To support better mental health, try expanding your existing diet to include foods rich in mood-boosting nutrients such as:
Berries, bananas, beans, whole grains, and fatty fish (e.g. salmon)
It can also be beneficial to just ensure that you feed your body every day - eating anything is preferable to eating nothing.
Drinking enough water throughout the day can also be beneficial. When you're dehydrated, you're denying your brain and body the nutrients needed to survive and operate at a more optimal level.
Certain foods, such as alcohol, coffee, refined carbs, and added sweets, might increase anxiety symptoms. Limiting certain meals may help alleviate your discomfort.
6. Get some sunshine
Studies show that the sun is an excellent source of vitamin D. According to a trustworthy source, it has the potential to boost attitude and mood.
Your outside time does not have to last long. As noted. Five minutes of blue skies can be quite beneficial to both your head and heart.
Stuck indoors all day? If you have a few minutes, I recommend:
Taking a little walk.
Enjoy the outdoors by relaxing in your backyard or standing outside to breathe fresh air.
Alternatively, try these options:
Consider opening a window near your desk, holding work meetings outside, eating lunch at a local park, or exercising outdoors.
7. Make time for rest
While the definition of "rest" varies from person to person, it generally refers to allowing your mind and body to relax and replenish.
Do you find it difficult to relax and feel rested?
Recommends the following steps:
Lie on your back, hands at your sides. Spread your feet apart to the width of your hips, or slightly wider.
Consider being calm yet present. You're tranquil but still observant.
Focus your attention on your physical body, then on your breath.
As you inhale, imagine a slow-moving wave entering from the soles of your feet and travelling to the crown of your head.
Your mental health significantly influences your quality of life. Many of the factors that can affect mental health are outside your control, but incorporating positive habits into your daily routine can encourage overall wellness.
Just remember that when it comes to forming new habits, it's often better to start with one or two at a time rather than a complete overhaul. Then, check in with yourself to see how your modifications helped.
If your mental health begins to deteriorate, you should consider seeing a therapist. Professional assistance can be an effective tool in your good mental habits toolkit.